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17 April, 2020 / kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyz Doctor Begs For Forgiveness After Criticizing Poor Equipment

Kyrgyz Doctor Begs For Forgiveness After Criticizing Poor Equipment

A doctor in Kyrgyzstan was apparently forced to make a video retracting his earlier criticism of the protective equipment he was given. His about-face has sparked a wave of outrage.
17 April, 2020 / uzbekistan
Brands Need Assurances on Forced Labor and Civil Society in Uzbekistan

Brands Need Assurances on Forced Labor and Civil Society in Uzbekistan

The Cotton Campaign is taking the initiative to develop a framework to encourage responsible sourcing, while providing brands with assurances that forced labor is addressed and civil society is empowered.
13 April, 2020 / turkmenistan
Turkmenistan: Who Cares about People? Film on Istanbul Tragedy

Turkmenistan: Who Cares about People? Film on Istanbul Tragedy

The tragic deaths of more than 50 of our compatriots in Istanbul have exposed the bankruptcy of Turkmenistan’s official slogan “The state is for the people!” The state, or to be more exact its authorities, could not give a damn about the people. In March more than fifty citizens of our country – migrant workers in Turkey – were poisoned by bootlegged alcohol. Turkish media reported that the Turkmen workers were trying to protect themselves from coronavirus…
06 April, 2020 / uzbekistan


The latest refusal by the Uzbek authorities to register Chiroq, an independent human rights organization, was not only disappointing but anticipated. Human rights activist and founder of Chiroq, Azimbay Ataniyazov, received confirmation from the Ministry of Justice in Karakalpakstan on 31 March that his organization had failed to comply with several laws pertaining to NGOs and provided a list of amendments to be made for the next submission – the third in three months. The first application was rejected in January 2020.
03 April, 2020 / turkmenistan
Turkmen Banks Stop Paying Out Dollars

Turkmen Banks Stop Paying Out Dollars

From April 1, employees of foreign companies in Turkmenistan who are paid in US dollars can withdraw their cash only in manats converted at the state exchange rate. The Central Bank of Turkmenistan has told the country’s financial institutions to stop issuing dollars in cash to employees whose salaries are paid into their accounts in hard currency. Salaries will continue to be transferred into these employees’ accounts in dollars, but they will no longer be able to withdraw those dollars.
14 March, 2020 / uzbekistan

Regulation of NGOs in Uzbekistan: Control or Partnership?

«Unnecessary regulation of the non-governmental non-profit sector, the maintenance of bureaucratic hurdles and the prevalence of the control functions over building an equal social partnership – all together impede the development of civil society in Uzbekistan», experts Dilmurad Yusupov and Oybek Isakov note in their article for
06 March, 2020 / uzbekistan
Tricks, Threats and Deception: Registering an NGO in Uzbekistan

Tricks, Threats and Deception: Registering an NGO in Uzbekistan

For anyone following the reform process in Uzbekistan, it is apparent that the country is changing rapidly, particularly with regard to the economy. As foreign investors queue up to take advantage of a new business-friendly environment, civil society remains chained to a totalitarian legacy that shows little respect for human rights. Today, it takes about 30 minutes to register a business in Uzbekistan while an NGO can wait for months, even years.
03 March, 2020 / kyrgyzstan
Tenants of Caravan shopping center hold rally in Bishkek

Tenants of Caravan shopping center hold rally in Bishkek

Tenants of Caravan shopping center hold a rally in Bishkek. Protesters addressed the President Sooronbai Jeenbekov. They ask the head of state to protect them and not to deprive them of their jobs.
08 February, 2020 / uzbekistan
The Accountability Gap: Are Uzbek Bank Officials Really Organizing Nationwide Forced Labor?

The Accountability Gap: Are Uzbek Bank Officials Really Organizing Nationwide Forced Labor?

The Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of Uzbekistan has published a list of officials who were given administrative punishments for the use of forced labor during the 2019 cotton harvest.
According to the document, 43 officials were punished during the period October 2019 to February 2020 according to article 51 of the administrative code: “administrative coercion to work, except as otherwise provided by law”.  The article stipulates the payment of a fine equivalent to between 10 and 30 minimum wages, approximately $230 to $690 US.