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03.02.2021 / kazakhstan

Kazakhstan: Threat against fuel and energy workers union

 Kazakhstan: Threat against fuel and energy workers union
Kazakh authorities continue to put pressure on independent trade unions. Below you can find a letter send by ITUC and IndustriAll global to the President of Republic of Kazakhstan Mr Tokayev and invitation to support Labourstart campaign.

Support Labourstart campaign in partnership with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), IndustriALL global union, and the Central Asia Labour Rights Monitoring Mission.

Kazakh authorities continue to put pressure on independent trade unions. In 2017, Kazakhstan dissolved the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a number of its affiliates, and trade union leaders were prosecuted and imprisoned. Now the Trade Union of the Fuel and Energy Industry Workers is under threat. Authorities have filed a lawsuit to suspend the union on the initiative of a number of oil companies; Oil Construction Company, West oil and Bozashy Trans Kurylys, all part of state-owned Kazmunaygaz. Support the independent trade union movement in Kazakhstan and send a message to the Kazakh authorities, urging them to stop pressuring unions and to respect workers’ rights.

Joint ITUC and IndustriAll letter to President Tokayev re interference into fuel energy workers union