Dear President of the Kyrgyz Republic, Japarov Sadyr Nurgojoevich,
Since the October events in 2020, we have been carrying out a constant civil monitoring of the work performed by the new authority in Kyrgyzstan. After all revolutions in our country, we have been posing questions whether the new government officials of different levels are better the previous ones.
Our queries:
What is changed and how the life of people in Kyrgyzstan is changing. Are the commitments made before elections at different levels fulfilled?
Are the services provided more effectively to the citizens and whether the opportunities of equal access to information are greater now for the citizens in the context of the pandemic?
To what extent are the horizontal platforms expanded for the equal participation of citizens in solving the socially relevant issues for the society?
How are the most acute issues related to the systematic problems solved in order to ensure the life security of people living in risk zones, such as uranium tailings in the KR? There are 92 uranium tailings, which are the remains of Soviet heritage; Maili-Suu is recorded as the most dangerous places in the world?
What are the results of activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the KR?
Where is access to information for the citizens of the KR with the measurable outcomes and indicators for the positive changes, including “BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS”?
Taking into account new challenges and risks, citizens need a Plan to prevent emergencies and disasters in the autumn-winter period, and are concerned of whether the TPS in Bishkek will be functioning efficiently and smoothly, not poisoning citizens with its toxic smoke.
Taking into consideration the sharp increase in unemployment, especially among the vulnerable citizens and families, including regions, we question when the citizens will receive access to the national plan for providing citizens with safe food in the format of the Food Program for 2021-2023.
A new risk for the public safety of citizens in the Kyrgyz Republic is the military aggression from Tajikistan in the border areas of the KR. Another risk is the situation in Afghanistan, which has been deteriorating every day. We would like to see an Action Plan of the authorities in case of military aggression with inclusion of alternative components.
People always believe in positive changes in their lives, but when they are disappointed, they become even more marginal or radical, losing faith in non-violent and peaceful changes through elections at different levels. I am far from accusing people in marginalization and would like to note the issue of marginal political system in Kyrgyzstan, when a certain group of people, who came to the power, dictates their own rules and believes to people, not understanding the needs of citizens, in conditions of new risks and disasters and unresolved systemic crises, such as large-scale political corruption and growing unemployment, poverty and global pandemic, when the most vulnerable people, women and children suffer.
Our expectations:
“The Kyrgyz Republic remains committed to the democratic development, protection and promotion of human rights, as well as all its international obligations, and will continue to fulfill them in a systematic manner,” you stressed, as the Acting President, the Head of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic at the meeting with the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Central Asia, Natalya Gherman.i
You have frequently repeated that unlike the previous heads of the Kyrgyz Republic, who have managed the country for more than 30 years and led to the deep crisis due to maladministration and political corruption, that you will be a new, honest Leader who respects human dignity and values of human rights and freedoms in Kyrgyzstan.
You pointed out that you will create opportunities to promote the principles of gender equality and gender justice, build a team of strong and young leaders, who will possess knowledge in innovations and modern IT technologies and provide citizens with fresh, reliable information to advance knowledge and practices, and finally, get away from the legacy of the past by establishing a “watershed” between past, present and future.
We are waiting for the new Development Strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic, in the context of new risks and disasters, for the purpose of successful achievement of 17 Sustainable Development Goals-2030 and implementation of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, Chapter 27. Strengthening the role of non-governmental organizations: partners for sustainable development. Agenda 21, Adopted by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, June 3-14, 1992.ii
We are concerned of the new partnership for the sustainable development and respect for human rights and freedoms in the KR:
Basis for action
27.1. Non-governmental organizations play a vital role in the shaping and implementation of participatory democracy. Their credibility lies in the responsible and constructive role they play in society. Formal and informal organizations, as well as grass-roots movements, should be recognized as partners in the implementation of Agenda 21. The nature of the independent role played by non-governmental organizations within a society calls for real participation; therefore, independence is a major attribute of non-governmental organizations and is the precondition of real participation.
27.2. One of the major challenges facing the world community as it seeks to replace unsustainable development patterns with environmentally sound and sustainable development is the need to activate a sense of common purpose on behalf of all sectors of society. The chances of forging such a sense of purpose will depend on the willingness of all sectors to participate in genuine social partnership and dialogue, while recognizing the independent roles, responsibilities and special capacities of each.
27.3. Non-governmental organizations, including those non-profit organizations representing groups addressed in the present section of Agenda 21, possess well-established and diverse experience, expertise and capacity in fields which will be of particular importance to the implementation and review of environmentally sound and socially responsible sustainable development, as envisaged throughout Agenda 21. The community of non-governmental organizations, therefore, offers a global network that should be tapped, enabled and strengthened in support of efforts to achieve these common goals.
27.4. To ensure that the full potential contribution of non-governmental organizations is realized, the fullest possible communication and cooperation between international organizations, national and local governments and non-governmental organizations should be promoted in institutions mandated, and programmes designed to carry out Agenda 21. Non-governmental organizations will also need to foster cooperation and communication among themselves to reinforce their effectiveness as actors in the implementation of sustainable development. iii
We provide reporting and implement the principles of transparency and efficiency in our activities, therefore, when accused publicly by the ex-President Atambaev, we had sued him, and you can observe now where he is.
Dear Mr. President,
You know perfectly well that CIVIL SOCIETY is a term used in different meanings, which was introduced by Aristotle, who defined a civil society as a community of free and equal citizens, interconnected by a certain form of political structure (state-policy).
In the 17-18 centuries, civil society was opposed to the absolutist-feudal state. In the modern sense, civil society refers to the combination of relations in the sphere of economy, culture and other areas developing independently and autonomously from the state within the framework of democratic society. Civil society implies the existence of a wide range of democratic rights and freedoms of members of civil society. The complete state-controlled social relations lead to the curtailment of human rights and freedoms, stops the process of democratic development in the country and leads to totalitarianism.
We have to build a State ruled by law:
- recognition of the equality of all members of society; - rule of law;
- justice of law;
- reality of rights and freedoms;
- power-sharing.
We look forward to equal dialogues, partnership discussions and joint programs to strengthen civil society without discrimination and violence.
We believe that you will revise all bills adopted by the illegitimate parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic, we currently work on development of strategies of litigation with the parliament of the KR to restore the rights and freedoms of citizens in Kyrgyzstan, as the right of citizens to freedom of association and assembly is the basis for successful development of the country, ensuring security and increasing development opportunities and citizen participation in government. People are primary, power is secondary.
Our proposal
Bir Duino and partners propose to conduct a joint National Dialogue-Forum for Partnership for the Development of the Kyrgyz Republic in autumn of 2021 to prevent risks, conflicts and disasters, promote gender equality and gender justice, and support reforms to build the rule of law without discrimination and violence in the future.
Thank you for your attention and wish you much success, Sincerely,
Director Tolekan Ismailova
i demokraticheskomu-razvitiyu-zashchite-i-pooshchreniyu-prav-cheloveka
258 Sydykova str., Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, 720001, tel/fax: (+996 312) 31 76 71, e-mail: